First of all, the great Soupy Sales has passed on. One may remember Soupy from his pie-throwing antics, or for his joking suggestion to the children of America that they steal their parents money and send it to him. This proved successful, thus proving the growing stupidity of America's youth. Though these are all fine and good, we prefer to remember him from this:
And of course this:
So RIP Soupy. Rest in pie.
Second line of business, Halloween is on the way, and we at Screen Mavens are super excited. So excited in fact, that we are proposing a Halloween movies poll. We are going to rattle off some Halloween films--be they traditional Halloween films or not so traditional, for kids or adults, psychologically disturbing, horror, or suspense--and your task is to tell us which one is your favorite. We will then make a Halloween entry devoted to the winning film, complete with clips, pictures, information, and trivia. You can vote for your film by commenting on this entry with your choice from the following list:






We here at Screen Mavens know that the choice might be difficult, so we will say that you can vote for 2. Vote for your first one, and then leave another comment voting for your second one. That way it will make it easier for us to count.
That's all for now, guys, don't forget to vote on your favorite Halloween movie!! Until next time...