.........thank you.....EHEMMM....I eh.....AIGHEM!!!! I'MMMMsoEXCITED my....gooness...AHEM!! I..just..got..back..wellnotactuallyjustgotbackIgotbackabout...3 MONTHS AGEAU...fromm..EUROPE...and I did a..a TOUR..onthe..CONTINENT. And I worked in PARIS and I'd never..I'd never worked in...inparisbefore...and I had a FRIEND...in Paris a woman who is...so CHIIIIIC...she's just so....CHIIIIIIC that you can't...STANNNNNNNIT. EH, she's a DAAAAARLING, MAAAARVELOUS woman, she's...sochicanyway...she..........she said you MUST go to my hairdresser...uh...because obviously you need somebody so she ARRAN....heh...AHEM!!..She arranged for me to go to this MAAAAHVELOUS....mmPARISIAN, fellow, who...who is just supposed to be the ENNNND, you know...and I came inn..and took one look at me and ehhh was ahahaigh....QUITE discouraged and he said "now...the first thing we must do...is you must look NOTHING. NOTHING. like...Judy Gah..NOTHING like yourself. And I said welldon'tyouthink...uh..I should look a LITTLE..eh.......NOOOOO, he said, NOOOOO that'd be...DISASTROUS, we'll CHANGEYOUCOMPLETELY. So the night of the...performance, he came back...uhhh..STAGE, and he had about NINNNE ASSISTANTS, you know...and uh..he clippeduhandmy HAIR...uh...it just got TALLER. And TAWLLAH. And...REALLY, it was about to HEERE!! You know...and ehhGREAT..BIG..THINGS..OUT..HERE. You know..SPIT CURLS. We used to call them in my day. I think they have...NEW..NEW..NAME foritnow...AND I looked VERRRY SS-SSTRANGE, I looked like an OVER...WEIGHT...Valenciaga..MODEL orsomething..and I CAME OUT..uhh..for the CONCERT that night I walked out...BALANCING my HAIR..eh...EHHEHH!! And..w-w-when I WORK I get very WAAAAARM, as you..can see I REALLY..uh get SO HOT. And I started..to SING.. and I started to get WARM. And my HAIR started to FALL. And it got lower and lowandREALLY it was just...NEAAAAANDERTHAL with all of the...the...uh..LACQUER runningdownhere the SPITCURLit was terrible.

Stay tuned for more of these. We're obsessed with Judyspeak.
Oh yeah, and P.S., Judy liked to feel people up. Check out this situation with Lorna. Awkward.
ReplyDelete"ps, judy liked to feel people up."